I have trained for over 22 years with the UKWCKFA, and in my opinion it is the best organisation in the world. The ethos of friendship, compassion, integrity and team spirit thrives in our organisation. Teaching is an honour, and every student is an asset to the organisation, once they enter any of our classes.
I am proud to say that some of my students have attained the highest marks in Wing Chun gradings and life in general.
My passion for Wing Chun was born watching a beginners course with Master James Sinclair in Maidstone. I couldn’t start at that particular time due to work commitments, but remembered the words ‘Simplicity Is The End The Art’.
My two closest friends started, training before me at Maidstone, and I started 6 months later at Lee Green. The UKWCKFA held their inaugural club sparring championships at Runnymede Sports Centre, and I was asked by my friends to represent the Maidstone Class.
As we were driving to the competition, I asked my more experienced friends about sparring, as I was only a beginner. My training was limited to centre line punching, and a few basic blocks. My friends replied “learn as you watch the other saprring sessions”.
The competition started, and I was surprised to find out that the very first match would involve me, so it was baptism by fire, and the “learn as you watch” theory was gone. I was matched with a trainee instructor from Godstone, and I drew the match, However, I think I won having watched the replay. The lesson to anybody was quality and not quantity.
I followed Master James Sinclair weekly , training at all of his branches at the time, Maidstone, Chelmsford and Westcliffe On Sea. Wing Chun is an easy artistic self- defence system, and I still learn something new everyday. To this day Simplicity is the End of the Art.